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BROTHER ALI: Satisfied Soul LP

When Brother Ali’s EP taster for this came out back at the end of November, the monkey’s first thought was, ‘Damn, this is good!’ swiftly


As heralded by his rather good Satisfied Soul EP at the end of November, Brother Ali has a new album on the way bearing the

BROTHER ALI: Satisfied Soul EP

Brother Ali returns in 2025 with a new album entitled Satisfied Soul reuniting again with former labelmate Ant of Atmosphere fame as producer. To whet

BROTHER ALI: Work Everyday (2013) video

A deceptively sunny and upbeat Jake One-produced number provides the backdrop for Brother Ali to ponder key social questions of our depression-hit times such as

BROTHER ALI: Mourning In America (2012)

Rhymesayers’ finest, Brother Ali, delivers a track here that is profoundly unsympathetic towards the ethos of the NRA, US government foreign policy and violence-bent firearms-bearing

BROTHER ALI: UK Tour (2012)

He recently dropped the wicked little Jake One-produced Writer’s Block video and now there’s more good news regarding Rhymesayers best export, rapper Brother Ali, who’s