RHYMESAYERS: London Tour Stories video (2011)

In which various artists on the 2011 Carhartt/ Rhymesayers tour relate why they love the Big Smoke. Or not. Slug found the bacon undercooked, Budo informs us that he’s half English and like everyone this side of the Atlantic he already drinks tea with pinkie raised and salutes the Queen while Evidence hates Heathrow but thinks the weed is pretty good. Thus it is Brother Ali alone, who sidesteps the lumbering embrace of cliché with (ironically) a tale of some drunken bumblefuck falling into the bowels of the city after some stunt on a tube escalator went wrong. Should you see any of the above (apart from Ali, who is a good egg) please feel free to enquire if they know your mate John Smith ‘who lives in the states,’ ask them if all Americans wear cowboy hats and, should you be tackled about your approach, pretend your mobile is ringing and claim it’s an urgent call from your fucking butler.

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