Never a man to have merely a single iron in his fire, Lack Of Afro’s Adam Gibbons follows the release of sixties soundtrack/ cinematic soul-influenced Here We Go EP with an entirely different project in collaboration with rapper Herbal T who constitutes the other fifty per cent of The Damn Straights. Nominally hip-hop, the EP features nearly as much rock guitar as a Beastie Boys punk release and, as it transpires, was also recorded in the Beasties’ territory of Brooklyn – albeit in 2017. The EP’s first single and opener The World’s On Fire (Let It Burn) comes on like a scuzz-rock My Name Is… while second track and second single Blow It Up draws more obviously on 80s hardcore, sounding like a slicker version of Beastie punk. The remaining two cuts are Alarm Clock and Never Get Enough – the former being the most conventionally hip-hop track of the release (though it maintains heavy fuzz guitar on the hook) while the latter straddles the hip-hop-hardcore divide. Even if the music hybridises the punk and hip-hop templates in a variety of ways though, does the borderline nihilistic lyrical intensity (and delivery) remain unwavering throughout? Damn straight it does!
(Out now on Bastion Music Group)