THE ALLERGIES feat. ANDY COOPER: Love That I’m In 7″ (2017)

THE ALLERGIES feat. ANDY COOPER:  Love That I'm In 7[RATING: 5] Looks like last summer’s Get Down fever made its disco-inflected mark on The Allergies for here is a new 7″ single – Love That I’m In – and it’s all about the Indeep vibes on the A-side. Yes you know, a bass-heavy late 70s/ early 80s style groove with breathy female vox and a rapped verse somewhere down the line courtesy of one Andy “There ain’t a problem he can’t fix, cause he can do it in the mix” Cooper. One for the lovers not the fighters then, which means ladies on the dancefloor – and we all know what that means. That’s right – everyone on the dancefloor. Make sure you check out the Daniel Ruczko-directed video below for maximum VHS-era vibes – including Mr Cooper in a particularly fetching leather jacket and mullet hair combo. As if that’s not enough, the good times continue on the flip of the 7″ as the boys switch style with banging Althea Spencer-sampling soul-party breaks on Since You’ve Been Gone plus there’s even more good news with the announcement by The Allergies’ DJ Moneyshot that, “We’re gonna follow up strong with another 2 singles Andy has been involved with and the album is set to drop this summer”. Come on party people it’s time to roll!
(Out 31 March on Jalapeno Records)

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