You know it’s only months with less than twenty eight days in them when there probably isn’t a Morlack release about to drop and years without four numbers when any given release doesn’t include some sort of nod towards the man’s beloved DC go-go music. So it won’t come as any surprise to learn that the Funk Blasters label boss is dropping Good To Go Go Vol. III later this week – a mammoth thirteen-track third installment following in the wake of its four and five track predecessors.
Basically, it’s business as usual but on an industrial scale as Morlack tweaks the 80s period of this offshoot of seventies funk (which later morphed into an offshoot of eighties hip-hop and beyond but maintained the name ‘go-go’) and occasionally go-go-ises stuff that wasn’t in the first place. There’s one pure edit (opener Don’t Stand For Dodge City) and an Trouble Funk ‘almost edit’ (Feel The Music), plus plenty of mashing of go-go beats with go-go friendly pellas – one from King Tee for example who turns up (unbeknownst to him, one suspects) on Cabbage Stuff. Expect to hear bits of go-go godfather Chuck Brown too and elsewhere – well – keep your ears peeled. Imagine the sort of synth and programmed drum sounds that were big when Miami Vice ruled the airwaves (and yuppies’ wardrobes) but prepped to do battle with ghetto funk and you’re ballpark. Players and vid. below…
(Out 2 July on Funk Blasters)