Funk Bananas BBPWho said big beat was dead? Certainly not Badboe’s label Breakbeat Paradise Recordings which presides over this very big-beat-tastic bunch of fifteen Funk Bananas which features the work of a select cadre of the label’s roster of artists. Step forward Pulp Fusion, Morlack, Discobeta, ElectroGorilla, Mr Bristow, SBK, Crashgroove, Rory Hoy and Wiccatron but mainly the latter seven who supply all the tracks bar two (the Pulp Fusion and Morlack ones) and especially the latter three of these seven who are responsible for all of the tracks which are remixes – bar one which is the work of Discobeta. If you follow me and haven’t slipped on anything proverbial.

Peel back the digital skin of this LP and you’ll find the contents’ have a distinct tang (as mentioned above) of big beat although there are also base-notes (or should that be bass notes?) of ghetto funk and electro swing as well. Choicest cuts are Rory Hoy’s take on Electro Gorilla’s If You Really Like, Mr Bristow’s swing-hop number Rhythm Business and the standout – Pulp Fusion’s Chemical Method Mafia number I Got A Woman.
(Out 29 May on Breakbeat Paradise)

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