UGLY DUCKLING: New LP title ‘Moving At Breakneck Speed’ announced – 2011

Read full album review HERE.

Long Beach crew Ugly Duckling will be back in 2011 with a new LP entitled Moving At Breakneck Speed. The release date has not yet been decided but rapper Andy Cooper was kind enough to let preview three tracks off the new album this week. The monkey is under strict instructions to keep the tracks themselves on the downlow but we can tell you that they are called, Keep Movin’, Elevation and Sprint. Speaking of the LP in the recent Monkeyboxing ‘Ugly Duckling interview’ Andy C said, “I think this will be our strongest effort yet. We’ve…gone back to what we do really well; high-impact, sample-loaded, funky songs that should rock live and on record.” Having heard the tracks, it’s safe to say that he’s not lying. Elevation finds Andy C and fellow rapper Dizzy Dustin deliver the positive vibes over a heavy, funky, old school club-bounce, complete with organ samples, while Sprint features a big horns hook and more than lives up to its name with both rappers spitting speedy syllables to match bpms that are wayyy up in the high 130’s. Keep Movin’ features the band’s trademark horn samples too – though in this instance it’s a Mexican trumpet sound that, coupled with an acoustic guitar loop, generates a slightly more reflective feel. Also clearly in evidence on these latter two tracks is the “…world travel/running from the law/final shoot-out theme,” previously referred to by Andy. In short, the production is hot, the rhymes are tight, and Einstein is still a massive sample-hound – nor has he lost any of his production flair. Yep – still got it. Hope it’s out on wax.
Ugly Duckling – Facebook

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