Purveyor of cinematic soul The Offline returns with a new single and renews his bigging up of Atlantic coast surf spots in France (and why wouldn’t you? Great summer weather and miles and miles of often empty beach break!) this time – Les Cavaliers. Oh what – Les Cavaliers in Anglet, once the haunt of Tom Curren? The very same! Maybe a highly chilled downtempo bit of instrumental breaks-based soul with a mellow horn topline could capture the essence of surfing the evening glass once that pesky daytime South Westerly has disappeared? And a video? What about some grainy lo-fi footage of surfers at sunset. No? Well at least some randomer pumping around a harbour on what looks like Laird Hamilton’s foil-board and lots of local colour in the form of the local marching band. Yep – that should do it.
(Out now on DeepMatter Records)