The Turbans prove to have their heads well wrapped in psychedelia if new 45 Baba Ganooz b/w Lost My Mind is anything to go by. On the A side syncopated drums emerge from swirling guitars that anyone from Donovan to the Screaming Trees would be proud of and then before you know it the chorus arrives and everything suddenly goes a bit garage rock. Blimey. B-side Lost My Mind is both more and less restrained. It opts for big stomping drums and surf guitar jangles that allow it to shake its titties without being a total wall of sound before the vox drop out for a subdued but nonetheless squalling guitar solo. It’s the first 45 from the brand new MonaTone imprint of Markey Funk’s Delights label which is looking to showcase what happens to psych when you let the properly let the guitar out of the bag…
(Out 24 February on MonaTone)