TRU FUNK: Nu Party Breaks Vol. 8 (2013)

It’s like some sort of party breaks/ ghetto funk release free for all at the minute with drops imminent from Ghetto Funk and BBP and Scour Records having just given birth to its third ‘baby.’ Who haven’t we mentioned? Ah yes – Tru:Funk and here they are with Nu Party Breaks Vol. 8 – a seven-tracker that leaves the wobble at home and amps up the funk. Chudy kicks off by tapping what sounds very much like nineties house, Freethinker Funk Essence brings a hammond to the feast, Funk EfemDzemov applies a topical dose of MLK to the beats, Junskee rolls on another nineties tip, Max Revolt feels LL’s beat and Stex ends up on planet slap bass. Funky Boogie Brothers‘ Street Jam wins this particular race though even if that Get Out My Life Woman beat is no longer exactly what you might call underused…
(Out now on Tru:Funk)

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