Leaving less of a gap between releases than the last time the monkey heard of them, those raiders of a lost past, The Link Quartet, return this week with a new vinyl 7″ single and more 60s mod-fuzz than you can handle. A-side burner The Saint-Tropez Heist is a feverish bit of Hammond beat rendered all the more energetic by the presence of the band’s like-minded accomplice, Nasser ‘The Bongolian’ Bouzida, who must’ve worn through several bongo skins just recording his contribution. Meanhwile, flip-side, Nizza Connection, is more ‘last night before the heist’ or perhaps ‘post-heist celebration’ to the A-side’s ‘car chase’. A Moog and Mellotron-laced affair, it lazily conjures the small hours in a sleazy, Gauloise-fogged nightclub and features a brief but gloriously psychedelic bridge. Strictly limited to 300 copies – ne t’endors pas!
(Out 30 April on Spinout Nuggets)