THE IMPELLERS: Do What I Wanna Do/ Signs Of Hope And Happiness (2013) + video

Brighton funk crew The Impellers release a wax double header this week. That’ll be uptempo, piano-tinkling shaker Do What I Wanna Do on the one side and urbane slowie Signs Of Hope And Happiness on the flip. Do What I Wanna Do also comes with its own video. With a title like that, I’d have expected it to depict the band engaged in any number of hedonistic, debauched activities. What we actually get however, is the disembodied, floating and understandably sardonic-looking head of singer Clair Witcher surrounded by the band gamely playing their instruments and wondering where all the sportscars/ strippers/ drugs are. Apart from the guiro player who looks like he’s had all three to excess already and is just taking the piss. Although, in all fairness, is there any other way to play a fucking guiro?
(Out 5 April on Legere Recordings)

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