[RATING: 5] It seems someone’s been wiggling down the Copacabana in a tanga thong gathering inspiration for Skeewiff In Brazil. Skeewiff in Brazil? Oh what – bossa breakin? Samba stylin? A bit of drum n Bebel? Some ghetto Gilberto? Yep – that sort of thing. That and more in fact. No actual appearances from Astrid Gilberto (or Bebel come to that) at least not that I’m aware – but lots of dreamy female Brazilian vocals wafting in and out of a vast range of Latin-inflected breakbeat rhythms.
Actually it’s not just female vocals on this since Bam (from Jungle Brothers) appears. Yes – Bam. From Jungle Brothers. This isn’t actually as surprising as it may sound given the fact that Skeewiff have previously had co-writing credits and production credits on JBs material. One of the album highlights, samba-hop gem Blame It On Rio, is very much in the vein of one of those latin-hop numbers that Ugly Duckling like to put out occasionally. Ironic – given the debt somewhat owed by Ugly Duckling to the work of Jungle Brothers. Other highlights include instro Sailing Boat – particularly for the gorgeous piano work thereon – and saucy little number Agora E So Vadiar featuring Catarina Dos Santos. If your taste extends to female vocals with more fire and beats a little more modern however – you will not be disappointed. This is because the standout track of the LP features a former Skeewiff collaborator with impeccable Brazilian credentials – MC Rayna (one of her parents is Brazilian) and is named Sambahton. Can you guess what the constituent influences of on it are? Not that that matters – you won’t forget the buzzsaw bass on this banger in a hurry.
So there you have it – Skeewiff In Brazil – a nice little package…er…I mean great full length. Oohh no, – that sounds thong – I mean…oh bollocks – vai Brasil! Vai Skeewiff!
(Out 5 May on Pedigree Cuts)