RUCKUS ROBOTICUS feat. SPANKY WILSON: Thank God It’s Funky (T.G.I.F.) (2012) + video

The term ‘funky’ is abused with such heinous frequency when applied to music that Thank God It’s Funky is a sentiment I experience much less frequently than you might expect on a preliminary listen to anything that PR assures me is ‘funky.’ Happily, Ohio producer (and regular Solid Steel Radio guest) Ruckus Roboticus‘s hook-up with legendary soul-queen Spanky Wilson (of funky Cream-cover Sunshine Of Your Love fame) is indeed, ‘funky.’ However, should its scuzzy funk-rock stomp not be enough of a sho’ nuff thang for you, you can – indeed I advise you to, as your musical attorney – turn to Aldo Vanucci‘s masterly funky-soul remix…and be blessed. Those of an unfunky disposition may also find something to love in JFB‘s dub-step rerub or Go Go Bizkitt‘s house business for they too shall be blessed. Just less funky.
(Out 21 September, correctly, on wax as well as cd/ digital on Dance Or Die Records)

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