RED EYE HI-FI feat. FOX & PARLY B: No Rest (2014)

No Rest Red Eye Hi FiFor all I know, Red Eye Hi Fi are kitty-petting vegans but if they were proper bad men I could describe their new digi-reggae bass rumbler, without any contrivance at all, as No Rest from the wicked. The fact that guest vocalist Fox is named after an animal traditionally associated with trickery only encourages such whimsy. Not that there’s anything lyrically whimsical about this as Fox apparently explores the misery of 21st century UK life – though I’m sure at one point he mentions a ‘vagina party’ so it’s not all doom and gloom. In any case there’s also Parly B to lighten things up with Need Some Rest. Just kidding – this one’s about as lighthearted as the post-industrial wasteland cover art though it cheers me to to imagine that lyrics like “Some a dem parasite, some a dem leach/ We need some rest/ Spend your money wisely and start invest…” are having a dig at investment bankers…
(Out 14 July on Irish Moss Records)

Red Eye Hi Fi ft. Fox – No Rest on MUZU.TV.

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