PUBLIC ENEMY: ‘It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back/ Fear Of a Black Planet’ multi-disc deluxe editions (2014)

Multi disc 30th anniversary Def Jam Public EnemyDespite the release (by Def Jam‘s parent company Universal) of the complete collection of Public Enemy albums as a deluxe vinyl boxed set last March to celebrate 25 years of PE, Def Jam are shortly to release deluxe editions of two of those very albums as part of their year-long 30th anniversary celebrations. That’ll be It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back and Fear Of A Black Planet then – the group’s finest and most incendiary works – though they’ll be released this time on cd as fear of black wax seems to have taken hold. The former comes in a 3 disc package of the original album, bonus cuts and remixes and a dvd of ’89 VHS video Fight The Power…Live. The latter is a two disc package of the original album and a second disc of rare bonus mixes. Both apparently come with booklet/ liner notes thingies scribed by The Roots’ Questlove and Wax Poetics Andre Torres. Not only are these two of the finest hip-hop LPs ever made but a masterclass in how to make the man shit himself. And never was such a lesson in fighting the power more important than in these benighted times…
(It Takes A Nation Of Millions… out 24 November/ Fear Of A Black Planet out 8 December on Def Jam)

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