PREZ 96: ‘Kidnap Rap Part 2’ video

PREZ 96: 'Kidnap Rap Part 2' video“Dad! I want to listen to that 90s hip-hop! That story-telling hip-hop – that old school hip-hop.” Thus opens new one, Kidnap Rap Part 2 from Prez 96 and don’t we all want to listen to that kind of hip-hop? What’s a father to do? Step up of course – and in a manner that Daddy Freddy and Gunshot would recognise only too well. Cue heavyweight boom-bap and that ol’ much missed narrative – in this case a tale of gang threats and the need to deliver cold cash money by a deadline or the nasty happens to the wife and kids. You get me? Of course you do. It’s all ripe for a video plum full of fake money pegged out to dry, bodies in car boots and shady underworld figures. Which all adds up to the kids getting a thoroughly unsuitable bedtime story. Not that they’re complaining of course you understand.
(Out 25 October on Agile Bass)

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