NOTORIOUS B.I.G: Juicy (el Gigante remix) (Dead Pop Stars Society Edit) (2013) Free download + video

He’s blowin up again but not like you thought he would. Yes, it’s Biggie, it’s Juicy, it’s…why it’s Mambo No. 5! Or at least the Gaff’s Perez Prado edit. The El Gigante remix is all down to demented musical surgeon MF Rex who’s sewn the two together into some kind of musical ‘centipede’. It’s a special dj edit of a track on Rex’s Dead Pop Stars Society collaboration with Salvador G on which they’ve created a whole slew of musical centipedes by stitching together the works of…you guessed it – dead pop stars. True – Juicy remixes are not entirely unheard of but I think it’s safe to assume that the crowd reaction to this one is likely to be ‘gigante.’ So there we are. And if you didn’t know, now you know. Cop it below and check DJ Tanner‘s video edit below that…

?Juicy Gigante Remix?Dead Pop Stars Society?The Gaff?DJ Tanner Video Edit? from DJ Tanner on Vimeo.

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