MR DORIS & D*FUNK: Ben E./ Chali Kweli – ‘Lock Shit Down b/w Digable Drippers ‘9th Wonder’ (2014)

Lock Shit Down 9th Wonder Mr Doris D FunkHot on the heels of the label’s Q-Tip/ Eddie Kendricks Vivrant Thing booty drop comes another solid wax double header from 2Dogs Recordings – this time from Mr Doris and D*Funk. No prizes for guessing who the ‘Ben E’, ‘Chali’ and ‘Kweli’ ingredients are for chilled A-side Lock Shit Down nor even for divining the identities of the ‘Digable Drippers’ on the flip’s 9th Wonder. Impeach The President sampled yet again? Yep – but have a listen before you impeach the umpteenth following of The Force MCs’ ’83 precedent. Can’t deny the production.
(Out soon on 2Dogs Recordings)

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