MR BRISTOW: Chinese Kung Fu Money (Free download)

MR BRISTOW:  Chinese Kung Fu Money (Free download)Here we go then – a new year and a fresh free download for y’all from none other than the generously free-spirited Mr Bristow in the form of his Chinese Kung Fu Money booty. And what do you say to that? That’s right – you say, “Banzai!” (yes, I know, that’s Japanese) for it is nothing less than a fusion of 70s band Banzai’s martial arts-themed Chinese Kung Fu cut with Charli Baltimore’s Money ‘pella from back in the day. Bristow’s in charge then but will the place rock to his Banzai booty? Place your bets, place your bets nowwww! Yes, it will. Cop it below – happy new year!

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