MINED & FORREST: Cool Operator EP

MINED & FORREST: Cool Operator EPIt’s all about the variety on Cool Operator, Mined & Forrest’s new breakbeat EP on BBP. The opener and title track is a relatively chilled affair offering glitch-hoppy stylings compared to the thunderous, snarling guitar-led business of Rock-It which follows. Up next, NY Diesel dials down the grit in favour of breakbeat atmospherics and a clear bid for the very next opening in the cyberpunk/ hacker movie soundtrack market. Finally the duo enlist Amanda Power for vocal duties on the trip-hoppy closer and we all need to check our watches to make sure it’s not still 1996 – though, given the state of the planet right now, it wouldn’t be a bad thing if it were.
(Out now (Juno exclusive)/ Out 30 October glabally on BBP)

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