¿Está tu piso muy desordenado? ¿Hay rastrojos en tu barbilla? ¿Estás enganchado a la música? ¿Siempre juegas para ganar? Of course! You’re a man, yes you are! And what’s more, you’re a multi-instrumentalist with a penchant for retro grooves and own a record label that can put them out there on hot wax! Yes, Original Gravity’s Neil Anderson – er – I mean Luchito & Nestor – is – I mean are back with new 45 Soy Un Hombre – a muy caliente Latin funky cover of Spencer Davis Group classic, I’m A Man. Why? Because our Mr A ain’t got no time for lovin’ – his time is all used up, sitting around creatin’ all that groovy kind of stuff. Ask a silly question…
(Pre-order now/ Shipping January 2023 on Original Gravity Records)
2 responses to “LUCHITO & NESTOR: Soy Un Hombre (I’m A Man)(Ltd. Vinyl 7″)”
Can I pre order one please
Pvsn I pre order one please