The Color Red label continues to fire out the releases with this new one, Left Turn from the Austin, Texas-based Greyhounds. Name rings a bell, right? Of course it does! This outfit were working with Tim ‘T Bird’ Crane from the now sadly de-funked T Bird & The Breaks last time news of them got to the monkey. Right now, they can be found getting their stuff produced by the New Mastersounds’ very own Eddie Roberts. In this case said stuff is a Dr Lonnie Smith-ish organ groove with a warm soul vocal extolling the virtues of spontaneity from singer (and organist) Anthony Farrell all of which has been run through an 8-track Tascam 388 for that warm vintage feel. And if that’s where you end up after taking a left-turn, the monkey’s all for it.
(Out now on Color Red)