EPHEMERALS: Life Is Good (2015)

Life Is Good Ephemerals“Life is good,” croons Ephemerals singer Wolf Valbrun over the intro to the smokey soul of Ephemerals’ new single. Er – actually Wolf – there has been some debate about standards of living recently – sorry what’s that – “We’re getting less equal”? Yes, I think that’s more the consensus among anyone who’s not an oligarch, a non-dom or one of their cronies – which is to say most of us. “Makes me wanna UHHH!” too. Remixes come in all manner of non-soul/funk vibes from Technimatic, Animist, Tite Knots and Chicky Boom but why do you need those with the funky drum break featured on the original (and by far the best) cut. Check it below and check the band out live on 27 May at Queen Of Hoxton – further details HERE.
(Out 8 June on Jalapeno Records)

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