DJ MAARS vs. TOM SHOWTIME: The Chippa Irie EP (2013)

[RATING: 5] In which DJ Maars and Tom Showtime flog a dead ‘horse’ so hard it not only gets back up on its hooves but actually starts to make a lot of live ‘horses’ look like doddery soon-to-be ‘beef’ burgers. I refer of course to the fact that neither the beats nor the acapellas on this booming reggae/ hip-hop four tracker have been underused. The beat on Heatwave Episode was used by Dedy Dred a few years ago, the beat on Rocksteady Up was used by Blend Mishkin only the other month and by Totalcult a year or so before that for example, while Dre/ Dogg and M.O.P. acapella-powered bootlegs abound. Nevertheless, between the pair of them, Maars and Showtime have located several gigawatts of new energy where one might reasonably expect there to be none left. Pity they’re not in charge of the country really.
(Out 4 April on Booty Fruit)

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