“So what’s your dj alias then?” “DJ Alias.” “Yes, your dj alias?” “DJ Alias” “Stop repeating me.” “I’m not.” “Well, what’s your dj alias then?” “DJ Alias.” Hours of fun. Anyway, the Low & Rising EP is the current sound of Kiwi dj/producer DJ Alias and mainly involves a deep-wobble, glitch monster punching through the hull of your skull-ship and spreading its bass tentacles throughout the corridors of your mind partly digesting what it finds and then spewing out the remains. Maybe I’m getting it mixed up with Deep Rising. Either way, that snarly bass will make an impact from the Washington Square-sampling San Francisco Bay, to the Miami Vice theme-style guitar toting A+B all the way to the end. Dj Alias has created one big old son of a bass glitch.
(Out 4 January on Riddim Fruit Records)
0 responses to “DJ ALIAS: Low & Rising EP (2013)”
My friend calls himself DJ Idunnomate – “what’s your DJ name?” “I dunno mate” “What? No, what’s your DJ name?”…repeat ad nauseum. Anyway, the bass on that first track is gorgeous. Thanks for the post!