More Tribe-alike gear on Blunted Astronaut from Brighton’s Dirty Treats production crew whose publicity doesn’t even try to hide the fact that they’re a massive pair of stoners. So massive in fact that Original and Everything Is Broken were recorded six years ago and they’ve only now got their shit together enough to release this brace of fat but minimal jazz breaks-powered hip-hop cuts featuring vox by U.S. emcee Praverb The Wyse. Ironically the 45 has already sold so fast that the few remaining copies will probably end up on ebay for so much that you’ll need to be stacking benjamins to afford one. Why all the fuss? Praverb says it best, “Everything is broken I’m tired of the crap/ There’s not enough hip-hop but too much rap.”
(Still out now, if you’re lucky, on Blunted Astronaut)