Following an initial foray into the hip-hop market with Bronx Slang, Fabyl Recordings heads boom-bap-wards once more as Finland’s Cut Beetlez and NYC’s The Good People come together to create a ‘Fabyl Four’ for new single Bad News. And so it falls to J-Man and HP Lovescratch to set up a positively cavernous double-bass-powered beat, with Emskee and Saint providing the rhymes – “Who’s this? Good Beetles or Cut People/ whichever you choose – just lethal!” Damn straight – they’re not here to appease you. Also comes in ‘clean’ and ‘instrumental’ versions and would seem to be the harbinger of a full-length collab. between the parties involved. All of which is far from bad news, I think you’ll agree…
(Out 31 May on Fabyl Recordings)