CON FUNK SHUN: ConFunkShunIzeYa (CHARLIE BEALE Regrooved Edit) (2017) Free download

confunkshunizeya-charie-beale-regrooved-editOffer up your thanks to that man Charlie Beale for the year’s first freebie on MB – his Regrooved Edit of Con Funk Shun’s ConFunkShunIzeYa. Aside from co-opting torturous puns (Con-Funk-Shun was actually the name of a Nite-Liters song) Con Funk Shun were also responsible for no fewer than thirteen LPs between ’73 and ’86 including ’77’s Secrets from which the original ConFunkShunIzeYa was taken (along with Ffun) for a single. Mr Beale has dusted off and slightly sped it up what was a vaguely Sly Stone-ish bump and (presumably taking his cue from the un-Sly vocal style) has gone fully disco biscuit with the beat. Cop it below…

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