I bet you’d been wondering what had happened to CMC & Silenta since there’s been nothing from their camp in a long minute. Well wonder no longer! They were just ‘on a break’! Never ones to pass up a golden opportunity, this track came about when the boys were at their studio and just happened to bump into Paris-based singers Baby G and Val who just happened to be visiting some friends. There was only one thing to do – get busy recording and Nou La is the result – a fresh bit of bashment breaks shot through with a reggae soul. It was just a small matter then of getting Funkanomics to re-version everything in a slap bass stylee and Mr Timothy Wisdom to go all crazy ghetto space funk and getting Westwood Recordings to drop it. Nou La – then – CMC & Silenta – very much here once more.
(Out now on Westwood Recordings)