CANNON & MIRRORBALL: At The Disco/ Discobunny Megamix (Vinyl 7″)

CANNON & MIRRORBALL:  At The Disco/ Discobunny Megamix (Vinyl 7[RATING: 5] CANNON: Hey Bobby! Bobby! Where has he got to? Oh there you are – I see the Disco Bits label are getting stuck in for the new year with mysterious production outfit Cannon & Mirrorball who have just done a new disco biscuit 45 for them called At The Disco b/w the Discobunny Megamix!

MIRRORBALL (for it is he): You little liar! (Stretches braces emphatically)

CANNON: I am not! It’s true! At The Disco is a super-disco breakin’, seventies-style adventure that would have been equally at home in Manhattan’s clubs or Bronx block parties back in the day while the Discobunny Megamix tears through late 80s/ early 90s samples like an anthropomorphised cartoon rabbit pursued by a feral team of copyright lawyers.

MIRRORBALL (catching the sound of it on the ones and twos): Oo-err blimey! You’re right! Rock on Tommy! (Stretches braces till they slip off his thumbs and slap him on the nipples).
(Out 18 January on Disco Bits)

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