CANNIBAL OX feat. DOOM: Iron Rose (2015)

Blade Of The Ronin Cannibal OXLike the kid who rocks up halfway through a lesson all innocent and wearing a ‘What?’ expression, Cannibal Ox suddenly come out of the woodwork with new single Iron Rose and news of an LP, Blade Of The Ronin, like it hasn’t been fourteen years since debut The Cold Vein. Mind you, it doesn’t sound like fourteen years have passed either as producer Bill Cosmiq does his best El-P impression with a sterling emulation of the first album’s spacey-synths-and-beats-heavier-than-armoured-battle-oxen. Vast Aire and Vordul are on form too trading verses with that man called DOOM and delivering lines like, “That’s my iron family/ My kids are rough they eat iron candy/ My girl is tough she wears iron panties.” Iron panties indeed – hence the flurry of creativity presumably – someone’s not getting enough.
(Out now on IGC Records)

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