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BOOTY FRUIT: Proper Produce Vol. 2 (2012) + The Allergies ‘Remember’ video

Did you know Little Richard once sang about ‘good booty’ in the original lyrics to Tutti Frutti? No? Well anyway – here’s some more. Good booty that is – and it’s out today. Booty Fruit label men El Bomba & Hidden Riddim fiddle with Blues Project sample action on Fluteski while The Allergies (aka filth-hound DJ Moneyshot and his homie Rackabeat) re-feel Blueboy’s Remember Me and lob in a few bonus old school ingredients – check out the vid below. Then it’s up to the Hong Kong Ping Pong boys to lay down some ‘fried chicken ghetto funk’ on your ass with Where’s Me Washboard (‘ow queer!) – chopping up rap vox and harmonicas which means DJ Maars is this release’s rear jockey with my favourite cut the rap/soul-funky Lee Dorsey/ Mos Def – check out his soundcloud for bare mad re-edits.
(Out now on Booty Fruit)

Proper Produce Volume 2 (Preview) by Booty Fruit

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