BIG M PRODUCTIONS: Banging Artists Vol. 6

[rating: 3.5]

It’s ‘Volume 6’ o’clock in Nufunk land at the minute and Big M beat Manmade Records to the draw by dint of fact that this is already out. Funnily enough Manmade label bosses CMC & Silenta turn up on the first track on which they give Papa Was A Rolling Stone a disco-breakin makeover. Then you’ve got Breakbeat Junkie throwing a multitude of ingredients into the nufunk melting pot and Hayz feeding beat steroids to the Happy Mondays. So far, so nufunk by numbers. Happily Ewan Hoozami rocks up at the end with the beefy Drinking Song, a collision of hefty scattershot drums, chopped up ancient scratchy vocal and a cheeky little homage to Rage Against The Machine after a ridiculously long breakdown. Watch this man!
(Out now on Big M Productions)

Listen to Big M Productions – Banging Artists:Vol. 6

Big M Productions – Myspace

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