ANDY COOPER: The Man (Vinyl 7″)

ANDY COOPER: The ManIt’s time to welcome back Long Beach M.C. Andy Cooper with the first single off his forthcoming next solo LP L.I.S.T.E.N. entitled The Man. Clearly AC decided to err on the side of caution title-wise instead of running with the rather more exciting Zulu Space Anus (as previously promised on the ‘Gram) so that the monkey would find it harder to work into a sentence. A craven u-turn, I think you’ll agree – why even the PR goons have managed to work The Man into a sentence! Having said that, simplicity is often the seal of truth and Cooper does indeed ‘prove he’s ‘The Man’ here for it would be a prodigious MC who could match his breakneck 131 bpm barrage of bars and maintain proper breath control. His skills on the mic are matched by finest quality beats served up by none other than Roy Moneyshot of The Allergies fame who delivers a large slice of funk-fuelled mayhem, as is his wont. The digital release mirrors the track’s speedy tempo and is here already while the rather wax follows rather more tardily in around a month or so.
(Out now (digital) on Unique/ Out October (vinyl) on Origu)

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