ANDY COOPER: Room To Breathe/ Unlikely Assassin 7″ (2015) + video

Room To Breathe Andy CooperThe second piece of action with a Long Beach CA connection today and this time it’s Ugly Duckling’s Andy Cooper (sans Dizzy and Einstein) begging for Room To Breathe on the A-side. Room to breathe? This is your second solo seven inch inside two months man! Still as he says about handling biz – he might make it look easy but that don’t mean that it is. Slightly more intimate in feel than much UD material, this is the type of stripped-back hip-hop that will always be popular – an emcee over raw funky breaks from a skilled mic veteran who is also a producer that knows his funk and soul. Oh – and has a wicked sense of humour – as flip Unlikely Assassin illustrates once more, lyrically detailing the disturbing confessions of a button man. The sort of drop to have many an emcee and producer looking over their shoulder then. Video below players…
(Pre-order now; out 18 December on Origu Records)

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