ALEXIA COLEY: Something’s Going Down (Renegades Of Jazz remix) (2015)

Something's Going Down Alexia ColeySomething’s Going Down? It certainly is – Alexia Coley‘s dropping another single from the autumn’s Keep The Faith LP which manages to be equal parts northern soul stomp and something a little jazzier. What you might call it…’northern jazz’ I suppose. Hmmm – that reminds me of something…Ooh – I know! Renegades Of Jazz. I wonder who’s doing the remix on this? Why – it’s Renegades Of Jazz! What are the chances? But how is it that the ROJ rerub is, if anything, less jazzy than the original and simultaneously both more northern soul-y in its use of brass and less northern soul-y in terms of a slightly slower tempo and a funkier beat? I told you something was going down. Check out the ROJ remix on the player below…
(Out soon on Jalapeno Records)

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