Roast Beatz Cuttin’ It Fine label dips toes, feet, hell, whole body into the post lockdown fray with new booty bangers collection, Freshly Dipped Vol. 4. Leaping straight in is Towlie DJ nu-disco-ing up J5 on High Pieces, swiftly followed by Roast Beatz himself who introduces some JBs licks to Beyonce’s hubby on Excuse Me James so they can smoke that la-la-la together. It was a recipe unlikely to fail and, of course, it doesn’t. Neither does Crash Party’s attempt to – er – crash the party, packing, as he does, both Melanie Safka and Oz hip-hop and throwing them together with a bit of buzzsaw wobble. Finally Frankee More turns up with a bit of Dre to push some Kush up in it, though possibly some ketamine too by the low n slow sound of things. Dancefloor damage done!
(Out now on Cuttin’ It Fine Records)