Telephunken’s Tremendo express rolls into the station for the second time in a manner much like its predecessor. A whopping eight party breaks? Check. One of his own plus some other established big hitters (Badboe, The Breakbeat Junkie and Rory Hoy) and a few young guns – Morlack, DJ Rudd, Bobby C Sound TV and Wood N Soo? Check. Cover the whole gamut of party breaks sub-genres? Check. Best cuts this time are Telephunken’s drum punishing Vuelve, the laid back (ghetto) P-funk of Morlack’s Kickwax and Wood N Soo’s aptly named Attack Joint which lulls you into a false sense of security with its chilled brass before beating you over the head with an epic bleep n wobble assault.
(Out now on Tremendo)
Telephunken – Vuelve by Telephunken