TIMEWARP INC: Realistic (Jazznut Remix)

TIMEWARP INC:  Realistic (Jazznut Remix)[RATING: 5] Latest in a series of remixed tracks from Timewarp Inc.’s 2020 album, Theory Of Revolution, is this excellent re-boot by Timewarp Music’s latest signing Jazznut. And if the results of the rising Russian-based producer’s efforts are anything to go by, he’s definitely one to watch. Featuring vocals by Georges Perin, the original was a languid slice of nu-funk but in the hands of Jazznut it becomes a more energetic affair, layered with FX and additional instrumentation. The end result is to evoke the slower, poppier end of 90s big beat. The single comes out in cd and digital formats and is accompanied by an instrumental version.
(Out now on Timewarp Music)

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