THE MIGHTY MOCAMBOS feat. Lee Fields: Where Do We Go From Here (2015)

Where Do We Go From Here Mighty MocambosThe Mighty Mocambos return with a completely new track featuring soul man Lee Fields. It’s a slow-burn number of the kind often favoured by Fields himself but not unfamiliar to fans of Charles Bradley and those new kids on the block, Ephemerals. Man – it’s getting busy in soul city! Where Do We Go From Here, Fields might well ask. How about with a B-Boy Suite in B Flat Minor on the flip as the band mash together two of the highlights off the spring’s Showdown LP – Locked And Loaded and The Showdown? That’ll do nicely – and it’s cowbell/ horse chase breaks all the way to the sunset-lit horizon.
(Out now on Legere Recordings)

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