Can I get a soul clap? You’re pretty much guaranteed one off this lot especially as it’s a) the name of their current album, b) the name of the opener on taster EP Some Boss Soul and c) their stock in trade is making high octane northern soul – check dancefloor bomb Keep On Keepin On below. Unusually (these days) but correctly The Inciters are Yanks – though if you read their FB write-up you might be forgiven for thinking that the Brits invented northern soul music back in the sixties by copying the Stax/ Motown sound – as opposed to, say, just inventing the name ‘northern soul’ to describe the Yank music they were playing. Which either was Stax or Motown, or sounded like it. Only the rare shit though, mind – unless you were some sort of pseud. Incidentally – talking of rare – this is already unavailable on wax at the monkey’s usual stockist.
(Out now on Rowed Out…if you’re lucky)