THE HAGGIS HORNS: What Comes To Mind (2015)

What Comes To Mind Haggis HornsWhat comes to mind when you hear the words ‘haggis’ and ‘horns’ together? Quite possibly it’s a traditional savoury pudding consisting of meat and herbs stuffed inside an animal’s stomach walking around with a viking helmet on but more likely its seven-piece, Leeds-based, brass-toting, funky jam band The Haggis Horns. Now with a release history ten years old, multiple singles and two albums under their belt, the crew release a third LP – a ten track set entitled What Comes To Mind.

Opener, the appropriately-named Return Of The Haggis is a reliably danceable horns-led JBs-ish cut. Vocal numbers include two which find part-time member John McCallum on the mic – the John Legend-ish Give Me Something Better and the soul-jazzy upbeat organ-fest of Outta My Head. DJ/ singer Lucinda Slim also turns up on the acid jazzy I Can’t Stop The Feeling but it’s Smoove & Turrell vocalist, John Turrell, who takes the vocal laurels with a typical powerful turn on the clearly single material, It Ain’t What You Got. Best cuts include the opener (also reprised as a potty-mouthed ‘Blowfly’-style vocal), Digging In The Dirt, which turns on a fat break, some nifty guitar work and a Kool & The Gang-ish vocal hook and the Average White Band-ish You’ve Got To Keep On Bumpin’. At least, that what comes to mind when you listen to ’em.
(Out now on Haggis Records)

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