‘Hip-hop mixtape Real To Reel‘ by Veteran Oz-funksters The Bamboos is in the offing, it seems, and the first taster of it is this soulful single featuring Michigan MC Ozay Moore entitled, Midlife Glow. ‘Midlife Glow’? A reference to the redness brought on by the application of topical heat cream to back ache, knee ache, hell – any ache, brought on by the advance of years perhaps? No? Then maybe the metaphorical radiance you feel when your teenaged child tidies their room without having to be asked? Not that either!? What then, could OM be on about that has inspired The ‘Boos to such loose-limbed neo-soul efforts? Turns out he means, ‘how much genuine life experience adds to talent – something never discussed in today’s fast-burn hip-hop landscape.’ Ah – that kind of glow! You know the one that usually precedes the time-honoured utterance, “Watch and learn, kids!”
(Out 24 February on Pacific Theatre Records)