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PROF: Motel (2015) Video

Hotel, motel, whatcha gonna do today? Well, if you’re Rhymesayers rapper Prof and you’ve just finished a month-long tour of your latest album, you make

GREG BLACKMAN: I Can Tell (2015)

[RATING:5] Well I woke up this morning…and raspy-voiced blue-eyed soul-man Greg Blackman was in my inbox. Not literally of course, it was this track which

EMMA BEATSON: OBK Sessions (2015)

Emma Beatson – that name rings a bell. Ah yes, wasn’t there an exclusive Mako & The Hawk remix of the Hawkmen’s version of her

DON CAVALLI: Temperamental (2013)

[RATING: 5] Five years down the line from last LP Cryland and funky bluesman Don Cavalli has clearly made another crossroads deal with Satan in

HEYMOONSHAKER: Shakerism (2013)

I don’t know. The pair of you head down to the crossroads to sell your soul to the devil and in return he gives one