STRETCH: Why Did You Do It? (STEPPIN’ TONES re-edit) free download + Chambers Of Funk Part 1 mix

STRETCH:  Why Did You Do It? (STEPPIN' TONES re-edit) free download + Chambers Of Funk Part 1 mixSteppin’ Tones makes up for a few quiet months by returning with both a new edit and a new mix. The edit is his re-version Stretch’s 1975 (and only) single, Why Did You Do It? Oh what – white rock band Stretch made up of Elmer Gantry (real name Dave) and Curved Air’s Kirby (real name Graham)? Yes, the very same. But as any student of hip-hop should know, white rock in the 70s could be very funky indeed – as much-sampled cuts by James Gang, Area Code 615, Rare Earth and Babe Ruth can testify. Thus it is that Mr Tones gives the bass some extra leverage, loops up some extra lengthy sections, turns the already funky drums into a pummelling hip-hop break and adds a bit of scratching. Meanwhile his Chambers Of Funk Part 1 mixes Beck, big beat, the Beasties, hip-hop and funk classics like the noughties never happened. Cop the edit and check the mix below…

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