SHAKA LOVES YOU: Party In A Box (Edit Pack Vol. 1)(2014) Free download

Party In A Box Shaka Loves You Vol 1“Shak…hic…shaka…hic…Shakhaluvsyoumay.”
“Shaka…hic…fuckin loves you. Mate. Urrppp.”

Indeed. Although more accurately Shaka Loves You must love all of you since they’ve just dropped this free, funky, four-deep booty party pack. Expect to find the Glasgow gang tweaking The New Mastersounds, Nirvana, The O’Jays and Afrika Bambataa into shape for the second decade of the twenty-first century. This one’s all about the way they’ve thoroughly turned around a certain early 2000s New Mastersounds/ Sulene Fleming collab. for peak time action. Cop it below:

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