Yes, this is the second slice of jazzy action today on Don’t worry – we haven’t come over all contrapuntal – it’s simply a means of pointing out a way to remedy the nigh-omnipresent ‘j’ word this week – in other words supercool Italian label Record Kicks are running a remix competition. Now’s your chance to do the decent thing with Ray Harris’s Scaramunga – details below (N.B. COMPETITION CLOSING DATE NOW EXTENDED to 31st MAY). If it was up to me – I’d slow the bpms right down, jack the drums and bass right up, chop up the hook and find a rapper somewhere – Q-Tip say – to lay down some verbals – Native Tongues style. But then I haven’t heard enough good hip hop recently…
(PRESS RELEASE) RAY HARRIS & THE FUSION EXPERIENCE are out now with an EP (available on 12″/Digital Download), and scheduled to release their self-titled full-length in all the best stores worldwide on April 12th, though you can already buy it exclusively on the RK website. To celebrate Record Kicks has partnered with Juno and Souncloud to give you the chance to show off your production skills with a remix competition of single “Scaramunga”. So DJs and producers out there pay close attention as the winner will get their work released on Record Kicks, score a bunch of RK 45s, a £50 voucher from Juno and a free premium account on Soundcloud!!!
CLICK HERE for full details and rules at