Right then – so this’ll be a re-release of the original ‘Purple Tape’ a.k.a. Raekwon’s debut LP Only Built For Cuban Linx – which in its original limited cassette form was known as ‘The Purple Tape’ as opposed to the recent Method Man single featuring Raekwon and also called The Purple Tape. Obviously – as a tape or ‘cassette’ – the original ‘Purple Tape’ came in a cassette case which is what cassettes used to come in, kids. This reissued ‘Purple Tape’ is different because it comes in a watch box. Obviously watch boxes aren’t designed for cassettes so there’s a bit of extra room in there but luckily deluxe hip-hop reissue label Get On Down have filled the surplus space with a 118-page hardcover book featuring lyrics, liner notes and images relevant to the 1995 original. Apparently, the box is quite nice too – all white stitching and embossed silver and black Raekwon logo along with original LP cover art. Not the sort of case you want to leave to get all grubby in your car’s glove compartment then. Or the sort of cassette you want to get chewed to buggery by an over-enthusiastic car cassette player…
(Available for pre-order HERE)