QUASAMODO: Bollywood Man EP feat. MC Coppa – 2010 – EP review

[rating: 5]

The funky breaks scene has been getting so cheesy recently you could serve it up on crackers at the end of a dinner party – so it’s Quasamodo and MC Coppa to the rescue with a little help from Basement Freaks’ new label Bombastic Jam with the Bollywood Man EP. Despite Coppa’s claiming “I’m a Bollywood man with Bollywood plans/ Got Bollywood fans who do the weird dancing with their hands” the EP, perhaps unexpectedly, is not a cue for loads of bhangra-fuelled antics but an excuse to offload the biggest funky breaks banger so far this year. The wah-wah toting original mix would take the gold medal were it not topped by the Basement Freaks remix horns-fest which doesn’t so much strike you as a good track as prance around shouting “Get me – I’m the shit!’ With considerable justification. Yep it’s yet another full marks – looks like this spring is better than last for beats and rhymes. I know how my next set’s going to finish.
(Out 16 March on Bombastic Jam)

Listen to Quasamodo – The Bollywood Man EP

Quasamodo – Myspace

MC Coppa – Myspace

Bombastic Jam – Myspace

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